Supported Messages

The same messages are supported for Lua and C, and are used by the remote-control utility executables.

Messages have a name and a value; the value is always a string. It is the responsibility of the caller to convert objects or arrays to JSON strings if needed.

To find IDs for the events that require them and for information on the tradeoffs of IDs vs names or indices, see the remote controls documentation.

Table of Contents

  1. MultiEvent
  2. RemoteUserAction
  3. SetTabByID
  4. SetTabByName
  5. SetTabByIndex
  6. SetProfileByID
  7. SetProfileByName
  8. SetProfileByName
  9. SetBrightness
  10. Requesting additional APIs


Used to send multiple events in one go for performance; this can sometimes increase performance compared to sending separate messages.

Value: a JSON-encoded array; each element is a two-element array containing another message name and string value - not nested JSON. For Example:

		"{\"Name\": \"Some Profile\"}" ],
		"{\"Name\": \"Some Tab\", \"Page Number\": 1, \"Kneeboard\": 1 }"


This message tells OpenKneeboard to take an action with no parameters, as if the corresponding remote control executable or input binding was pressed.

The value is one of:

  • PREVIOUS_PROFILE - see profiles warning below
  • NEXT_PROFILE: - see profiles warning below
  • SWAP_FIRST_TWO_VIEWS - added in v1.7; replaced SWITCH_KNEEBOARDS in earlier versions
  • HIDE
  • SHOW
  • RELOAD_CURRENT_TAB - use with caution: this removes all notes or other interaction, and there is no undo for this function

WARNING: like changing profiles in the app, or via a remote control, changing profiles via the API will discard all of the user’s notes, bookmarks, and all other state, e.g. the current page for each tab, DCS radio history, etc.


Value: JSON-encoded object:

	"PageNumber": 0,
	"Kneeboard": 0,
  • ID: string - the ID of the tab
  • PageNumber: optional integer - the page number to switch to within the tab; 0 (or omit) to return to the same page that the tab was last open on
  • Kneeboard: optional integer - 1 to switch to the primary kneeboard (usually on the right), 2 to the secondary (usually on the left); 0 (or omit) to switch the tab for the current kneeboard


Value: JSON-encoded object:

	"Name": "My Tab Title",
	"PageNumber": 0,
	"Kneeboard": 0,
  • Name: string - the title of the tab to switch to
  • PageNumber, Kneeboard: optional integer - see SetTabByID.


Value: JSON-encoded object:

	"Index": 0,
	"PageNumber": 0,
	"Kneeboard": 0,
  • Index: integer - the position of the tab to switch to; tab indices start at 0, not 1.
  • PageNumber, Kneeboard: optional integer - see SetTabByID.


Value: JSON-encoded object:

  • ID: string - the ID of the profile to switch to

WARNING: like changing profiles in the app, or via a remote control, changing profiles via the API will discard all of the user’s notes, bookmarks, and all other state, e.g. the current page for each tab, DCS radio history, etc.


Value: JSON-encoded object:

	"Name": "My Profile"
  • Name: string - the name of the profile to switch to

WARNING: like changing profiles in the app, or via a remote control, changing profiles via the API will discard all of the user’s notes, bookmarks, and all other state, e.g. the current page for each tab, DCS radio history, etc.



Value: JSON-encoded Object:

	"Mode": "Absolute",
	"Brightness": 1.0
  • Brightness: the desired brightness
  • Mode: optional string - must be Absolute or Relative. Defaults to Absolute if not provided.
    • Absolute: Tint and brightness is enabled, and brightness is set to Brightness, which must be between 0.0 (minimum brightness) and 1.0 (maximum brightness)
    • Relative: Tint and brightness is enabled, and Brightness is added to the current kneeboard brightness. Brightness must be between -1.0 and 1.0

Brightness must be a float, not an integer - for example, 0 and 1 are not valid values, and must be replaced with 0.0 or 1.0.

Requesting additional APIs

Keep in mind the purpose of OpenKneeboard: OpenKneeboard is a tool for users to show their content how they wish in VR, via OpenKneeboard’s settings. It is not a developer toolkit.

If your request fits that purpose, search for an existing feature request GitHub issue. If there is one, add a thumbs up reaction to the top post, otherwise create a new one. Do not add ‘+1’/’me too’ comments.