Release Checklist

Before Release

  • Update Quick Start.pdf
  • Update the APIEvent path if the format of existing messages has changed in a backwards-incompatible way
  • Check version number in CMakeLists.txt


Useful test apps:

  • hello_xr from the OpenXR SDK source
  • OculusRoomTiny from the legacy Oculus SDK
  • the various imgui examples for non-VR

Test all of these with the RelWithDebInfo msi package, as it’s the most restricted form of installation.

  • Install in clean virtual machine
  • Gaze detection, zoomed and unzoomed, before and after centering
    • SteamVR
    • Oculus: D3D11 and D3D12
    • OpenXR: D3D11, D3D12, and Vulkan
  • Wacom tablet: drawing, erasing, PDF navigation, expresskeys
  • Huion tablet: drawing, erasing, PDF navigation, presskeys + remote control executables
  • OpenTabletDriver: drawing, erasing, PDF navigation, keys
  • Variable aspect ratios
  • Performance
    • Drawing perf/feel in-game:
      • VR
        • SteamVR
        • Oculus: D3D11 and D3D12
        • 64-bit OpenXR: D3D11, D3D12, and Vulkan
        • 32-bit OpenXR: D3D11, D3D12, and Vulkan
      • Non-VR: D3D11
    • Check for issues in Visual Studio performance profiler
    • Check for issues in OpenXR-Tracing in WPA
    • Check a trace via ETL while in VR: maintains even 90hz, no stalls
  • Bindings
    • Physical joystick/throttle
    • XBox controller
    • VJoy controller
    • Mouse buttons
    • Keyboard
    • Multiple buttons (combos)
    • Plugging and unplugging devices
  • adding, removing, reordering tabs, including DCS tabs
  • expected default tabs with quick start guide on fresh install
  • adding, removing games
  • finding DCS from empty games list
  • DCS integration test utilities: fake-dcs.exe and test-apievent-feeder.exe
  • DCS: play full single-player mission in Caucasus or NTTR
    • Briefing tab
      • Text
      • Images
      • A-10C CDU wind
    • Mission kneeboard
    • Radio log
    • Theater kneeboard (only in Caucasus and NTTR)
  • DCS: restart mission
  • DCS: switch to a different campaign
  • DCS: restart DCS. Start multiplayer mission. Check DCS tabs.
  • Modifying files:
    • single file tabs:
      • editing a text file leads to an update
      • replacing an image file leads to an update, and all notes being purged
      • replacing pdf file leads to an update, and all notes being purged
    • folder tabs:
      • removing the current page moves to the new first page
      • removing the current page leads to ‘no pages’ if there are no pages
      • adding a new image in the middle leads to it being inserted in the correct place
        • existing notes are preserved on the corresponding pages


  • Push tag
  • Wait for GitHub Actions to create a draft release with files and template release notes
  • Edit release notes
  • Publish
  • Update DCS User Files, Discord, Reddit etc